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Our wildlife are preparing for the change in season.

For snakes, this means preparing for hibernation, which increases the possibility of bites to those unlucky pets who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Please be mindful of where you are walking and even more mindful of where your dog (or cat!) is exploring. A lead may be necessary to ensure your dog does not wander in to areas of particularly long grass or dense bush.

Get to know your snakes!

The types we are most concerned about on the Gold Coast and surrounds are:


Eastern Brown

Venom: Dangerously venomous; seek emergency assistance if bitten.
Size: Growing to 2.2m (Avg 1.5m)

Red-Bellied Black

Venom: Dangerously venomous; seek emergency assistance if bitten.
Size: Growing to 2m (Avg 1.5m)

Easter Tiger

Venom: Dangerously venomous; seek emergency assistance if bitten.
Size: Growing to roughly 2m (Avg 1m)

Eastern Small Eyed

Venom: Dangerously venomous; seek emergency assistance if bitten.
Size: Growing to roughly 1.2m (Avg 50cm)

Stephens Banded 

Venom: Dangerously venomous, seek emergency assistance if bitten.
Size: Growing to 1.2m (Avg 90cm)

Rough Scaled

Venom: Dangerously venomous, seek emergency assistance if bitten.
Size: Growing to 1.1m (Avg 70cm)


‘Many snake species resemble one another and can be challenging to differentiate between to the untrained eye. Never get too close to a snake. Keep a safe distance and contact a Gold Coast snake catcher if you require assistance.

If you would like to identify a snake and can take a photo without jeopardising your own safety we are happy to identify the snake for you. Text a photo through to your local Gold Coast snake catcher at 0423 866 017. Alternatively, upload a high-resolution image using our contact form. We always welcome your images and may use them on our website.’*

*information taken from

If your pet is bitten by a snake, this is an emergency and you must transport your pet to a vet immediately.

Steps to take:

1. Bites are usually inflicted on or around the head, neck and front legs

2. take note of the colour/ patterns on the snake (if you’ve got your phone handy, take a photo)

3. DO NOT attempt to catch the live snake (snakes are protected, killing them is illegal.)

Symptoms you may see:
– dull
– depressed
– pace around anxiously
– vomiting
– panting
– collapse straight after being bitten and then at normal for a period of time
– collapse
– become comatose


– Keep your pet calm

– apply a pressure immobilisation bandage if possible

– carry the pet to the car, do not allow your pet to walk

– transport your pet to the vet immediately



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